Motley Fool is a website that has its users rank companies. You can go on there and rate the companies you have shares in, and ones you don't. As time goes on, the website tracks your picks to how the shares prices fluctuate. So if you are accurate with your picks, then you will have a higher rating.
The site also shows ratings for companies. For instance after looking up ATVI it has a 5 star Cap rating. 5 stars is the most, meaning almost all members think the company will be strong (bullish), where as 1 star would mean most members think the company will be weak (bearish).
This is very cool because you can find out when people rated them, and at what price, and for how long. It will show you who rated the company, and also that persons rating. So if someone with a rating of 100 (highest you can get, I think means you are correct more than 85% of the time) says buy, then that is more credible then someone with a low rating.
Of course you have to take this with a grain of salt... No one really knows how well a company will do, but this is a good starting point. Since the whole point of this project is to see if money can be made by someone who doesn't know anything about trading, I am going to do exactly what this site tells me, and see how that goes. I have purchased a 1 year subscription, and while I have just started looking into it, it seems pretty good.
Legally I can not disclose anything that is only for paid members (though I doubt anyone would ever notice or care). I will try to give information that will teach how this service works. I have just started looking into it, but its fairly extensive. It gives you recommendations on stocks you should buy, hold or sell. It even tells you which companies should be in your core (timeless stocks to hold).
Though I can not tell you which companies they suggest, I will be able to tell you which companies I purchase. I will keep you posted, and together we will see if this service is worth it.
Keep your eyes peeled, and we will see what I purchase next.
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