Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today was a very trying day, and it has made me truly reconsider this investing project.

First, I realized the importance of knowing the commission rates on trades, and how those will effect your margins.

Second, I found out that millions of other people use the name clueless trader, which I probably could of and should have figured out before I made this blog, and now I feel compelled to change the name.

And last but not definitely not least, I read this article... Out of the 6 biggest mistakes listed on this article, I was clearly at fault for 4, and partially at fault for another. That means I was making 5 blatant mistakes, and I had only bought 35 shares in one company... That is not good...

I bought Citi cause I heard about it on the news (#2 Following the Heard), I had intended to sell it in the short term (#3 Timing the Market), I had justified my purchase of Citi on past results (#4 Assume More Control Than You Have), I paid a 9.95 to buy $123 worth of shares roughly 8% just to buy (#5 Paying Too Much In Fees), and I "knew" it would pay off... (#1 Overconfidence). The only thing I can not be blamed for is #6 Trusting Brokers, and that is only because I do not have one...

But a man is tested by how he handles adversity, and I am determined to take this at a learning experience and continue. It is better to learn this now, than to have learned it with my life savings. If I want to succeed, I must learn from my mistakes and try to emulate my betters. So with that said, I am somewhat glad that I can not buy any further shares until next week. It will give me all weekend to do more research, and actually know what it is that I am investing in (what a concept!).

So tomorrow I will make a few changes to the blog, and then with the weekend will come a mass amount of research, and further learning on what it is I am actually doing...

Until then...


  1. needs moar pictures, just take pictures of money or something

  2. The Paul bends, but does not break.
